Let's Talk About It
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January 21,2019 

What is life? Life Is given and life is taken. I often wonder what if I was on the other side. I live to see another day only to see that this day was like the last. I have grown but grown to see that yesterday is like today. Where am I going to where am I from. I know who I am but do you know who you are? What are people to see is not what people believe. I am yet a spec in this world only to be gone tomorrow. Today sheds the cocoon of yesterday only to reveal I should of stayed in there one more day. If hope is all we have then why is tomorrow never promised. I learned from yesterday and I live for today but tomorrow is but a dream and I sleep to free myself of today’s unjust. How are we to be accepted if all we have is hate to look forward to. Where are the ethical people where have they gone? I searched high and low and asked for them only to be locked out and cast to the side with the plastic. The population grows but our brains get weaker. We think in mili seconds rather in sentences. We need to talk rather than text. If we truly want to know the person next to us then say something and talk. Why do we feel more comfortable talking to a screen then talking to a face? Say hi next time instead of grabbing your phone. Lay your thoughts to rest and rejoice that we are one in the same regardless of what you see. We seek answers but the answers are right in front of us we only need to see it. What is strange is only strange the first time. The light in our head can only be turned on if we are tired of playing in the dark. Knowledge is the king of a stale mind. Open a book or read a word or two. What you find has been there all along. What are we, where are we coming from and where do you want to go? That’s for you to decide, I seek knowledge because im tired of living in the dark. The flashlight in my head has turned on and I don’t wish to turn it off. Come join me on an adventure to turn on more flashlights. No batteries needed. Only words can fuel my flashlights. Take these words and share them for there are many more to come. Understand and read them again. Read them until more words come to you and add to these which I have started. Where do we go from here im not sure. I do know that we cannot stop in our quest to reveal the truth of it all. Let the music in our heads generate the next wave of excitement and the soul move to self-enlightenment. Music heals the soul and words shape the mind. Breath in and out exhale to acknowledge life. Take a moment to look In the mirror and thank what you see and forgive the next for they do not see what you see. Beautiful is not just letters in of a word but in us all we poses given a chance we shall heal the world. Richer or poorer we shall give life to each and everyone who seeks it. Relax for now cause we must rest as well as work hard to decipher what is real and what is not. I write this because I am tired and not sure what to do now. I have exhausted my thoughts and wasted my energy for not. For there is a purpose out there for me and I seek to find it. Until next time I will be back. 

Jacob Geller